Sunday, February 26, 2012

Quilt Kits for Sale and Where I've Been

I promised last year that if I put up any quilt-related items for sale on Ebay I would let it be known on this blog. I've listed three quilt kits--one is a Fig Tree Tulip Sampler Lap Quilt and two are Kaffe Fassett quilts which include all the same fabrics as the originals. None are still available commercially. If you'd like to take a peek, look here I love these quilts. However, I know I'll never have time to make them so I'm letting them go.

Now about doll quilts. Just before Christmas I overdid it cleaning carpets and moving heavy boxes and furniture. A few days later I had a lot of pain in my right shoulder and by the end of the week I couldn't raise that arm even to comb my hair. The doctor took an x-ray and I was diagnosed with calcific tendonitis which the literature describes as causing "exquisite" pain. That's not the word I would have chosen.

A couple of weeks later another x-ray showed the calcifications as resolved, but I was still in a lot of pain. After a cortisone short and a month of physical therapy, I was still hurting so the doctor sent me in for an MRI. I still have some calcifications and a lot of inflammation, but I am happy to report I do not have a rotator cuff tear.

So it's back to physical therapy, icing, and taking Advil. I haven't been able to do much sewing or quilting in the past few weeks although I'm starting to ease back into it slowly. I hope to start making doll quilts again soon.


Blogger lil red hen said...

Hope you'll be feeling better real soon. I've been checking to see if you had a new quilt to view. Looking forward to the next ones.

February 26, 2012 at 1:04 PM  
Blogger Diane said...

So sorry to hear about shoulder injury. That will teach you to do house work. In time, I hope you'll return to quilting and other things which bring you joy.

February 29, 2012 at 5:27 AM  
Blogger antique quilter said...

hope your feeling better soon
it pays to take some time off, I know! shoulder neck problems happen to me when I over do it

March 6, 2012 at 3:11 AM  
Blogger Judy Hansen said...

I just found your blog, and am happy to see
your posts. I too, am interested in doll
quilts and have just started to blog about

I like your blog, and hope you are feeling better soon!
Judy Hansen
Williamsburg, Va

April 11, 2012 at 7:31 AM  

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